Philosophy makes me think funny...

"Treat everyone the way you would like to be treated."

We've all heard it hundreds of times, but have any of us ever stopped to think about it?? Now, if this were actually something that most everybody lived by, then it would be great to be a complete ass. Bear with me. Theoretically, nobody should treat you badly because they won't want to be treated badly themselves. So in theory, if you were a complete ass to everyone, they would still have to be nice to you if they lived by this rule. Still good advice??

Damn you philosophy...

Have a nice summer!


Kyle Lobner said…
But to do so, you'd have to honestly want everyone else to be an ass to you. Otherwise you're asking everyone else to live by a universal objective, then creating another rule for yourself.

It's also like saying "I wish no one locked the doors on their cars, but no one stole cars either. Then I could steal lots of cars."

There's a logical flaw in separating yourself from the universe. You're a part of the universe, so your actions change it.
Ryan said…
Ah yes, the dilemma between Ethical Egoism and Altruism. I love it. Ethical Egoism says that you should only do what benefits yourself, and Altruism says to act selflessly. So, in MY perfect world that I've created in my head, everybody else acts altruistically and I get to not only be a hypocrit, but an ethical egoist. A hypocrit because I have to tell everyone to act Altruistically while doing the complete opposite myself. So yes Kyle I'm asking everyone else to do something and creating my own rule... it is my world after all.

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