Upon further investigation, i.e. looking at it closer, I've found that the reason it says Canada is because they are made in Canada. Most pointless post ever, Done and Done. Thank you Porkfat.
In theory it's a good idea. No parents, lot's of money from work. Take some extra credits. WRONG! The reality of it all is that until the two of my room mates that are staying for the summer return, I'm going to be bored out of my mind! I've looked in the fridge like 50 times in the last 10 minutes. I watched a movie that was a good way to kill a couple hours, but I just keep thinking, until I start class monday, what can I do in my spare time?? So, any ideas, let me know. Let's see what you guys can come up with, just post them as comments, it'll be a game. We'll see who can come up with the best idea for what Ryan should do when he's bored. Have a nice summer!
Mitch Hedberg was found dead in his hotel room yesterday morning. What a sad day. December 27th 2003 David, Mark, and I went to the Rosemont theater in Rosemont, IL. Very near to Chicago. We had tickets to see Lewis Black, Dave Attell, and "Special Guest." I don't think any of us knew who the special guest was, until he was announced. That was probably the coolest part of the trip, not only did we get to see Lewis and Dave, but Mitch Hedberg as special guest. I'm so glad we got to see him. If I remember correctly David and I were going to see him again, but it didn't work out. Now I really wish that would've worked. Anyway, I would like to commemorate this as Mitch Hedberg weekend. I'll put a random Mitch Hedberg joke up as often as I feel like doing. At least one per day. What a terrible loss to the comedy community, you'll be missed.
So, I just woke up at 11:19 or so. Which is only 49 min. late for class. and only 40 min. left in class. So i figured, by the time I found some clothes and put them on, and ran down there, walked up the three flights of stairs, there would probably only be 10 or 15 min. left. So i just went on my computer. And Adam was logged on in the lab that our class is held in, so he let me know what was going on. Well andyway, I gotta work tonight 4-12, and I'd just like to congratulate Tara on single handedly defeating the giant cricket type thing that even shadow (her cat) was afraid of. I didn't like it much either, but it ran away from me, so I couldn't kill it. In other news... I need to put up a new Fun Fact so here goes...
Fun Fact #2:
Americans, on the average, eat 18 acres of pizza a day.
Have a nice summer!