Last of a dying breed...

Today marks my last day at Copps Food Center, and, assuming the rest of my life goes according to plan, my last day ever working in a grocery store. No more acting like you're happy to see the customer who's about to ask you for something you've never heard of. No more breaking things then trying to blame it on a customer so that the 3' tall 60 year old sanitation lady with grey hair that's dyed black but you can see the grey every other week between dye jobs will clean it up. No more "Where do you work?" - someone, "Copps" - Me (with my head hung low) No more hitting people in the face with large balls of plastic wrap, well I might continue this, but it won't happen as often. No more 6 pack of corn dogs, or fresh deli chicken, or hot dogs spinning all day, or dry chicken tenders on breaks. No more weekly paychecks. No more waiting for them to hire the next cute girl at the bank, only to find out that they hired a guy, why do they do that!?!

Now, don't get me wrong. I actually like working at Copps for the most part. I think what I'm going to miss most of all is the fun that we've had while working there. The people I work with are some of my best friends inside and outside of work. Hell, they're practically the only ones that I do anything with that I don't live with. But now, it's all over. In less than 6 hours.

I went into Copps earlier today to get my check from last Friday because I needed to go to the bank. I started to talk to some of the people that were working and my manager decided he'd be a dick and make me leave instead of letting me have a nice conversation with people that I'll only see on occasion instead of a couple times each week. As much as I've complained over the last 2.5 years, I'm going to miss it. So here's to the place that's kept me afloat these last few years, worked with some horrible college schedules to get me hours, and helped to make me the person I am today. It may seem cheesy or whatever, but it's the truth. When I leave tonight, it'll be one last, "Have a nice summer" in the blue polo and khaki pants.

Adios Copps, fue divertida.


Joey said…
As someone who worked at a grocery store for two years, I have to congratulate you on finally getting yourself out of there. Makes you want to celebrate!

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