Ow my eye!
So, what's been up with Ryan lately? Well, I'll tell you what. Let's see, we'll start with my last post. That was about Jack, essentially he pissed me off and I forcibly removed him from my room, enough said. Now, since then I've done pretty much nothing except work and go to classes. I have a persuasive speech to give on tuesday and a surprise philosophy test on wednesday. I say surprise because our professor just told us we were going to have it, this wednesday. He originally wanted to do it Monday, but we complained and he gave us a full week. And, no, this test was not on our syllabus. So that sucks. On to other news, I had my band concert on Monday, it was fabulous hopefully I can get a copy of the cd from our band director. David was here from thursday night through Tuesday morning, after his meeting in the admissions office it looks like there's a good chance that he'll be coming here next year. Yayy for that! Now, on to last night's ...