
Showing posts from October, 2005

Wowza... It's been a while...

Don't panic, it's ok, I'm still alive. There, now we got that out of the way. I've had an epiphany, and it's somewhat blog related. The more bored I am, and the less I have going on in my life the more I post. And inversely the more I have going on the less I post. So I'll give you a guess as to how much I've had going on. If it were able to be quantified it'd be higher than recent powerball jackpots. I had intentions of going to Madison for Halloween, but now all I read are articles from people telling me not to go. Now, I've already made other plans and I'm not going, but these articles make me want to go even more. It's like saying, "don't drink and drive." It's like a challenge. One of the hardest things ever to do that ends up being incredibly easy after you do it. You'd never guess it. Snaps, the little white things that you throw at the ground that make a snapping noise. Well, anyway try snapping one ...

What's the phrase that pays that plays for days?? WROX THE STUUUUURGE!

I don't think WROX are the right letters, but meh, I don't really care. If you know what it's from you'll say it in your head, or out loud, and if you don't, don't worry about it. I read this in an article on this morning, found it rather humorous. Media note: Injury-riddled secondaries must be referred to as "banged up" while injury-riddled offensive lines become "patchwork." It's just like in baseball, in which right-handed pitchers are "veteran" and left-handers are "crafty." Here endeth the lesson. So, anyhoo, hope everyone is doing well with themselves. I've given up on trying to update this regularly. First of all there isn't enough terribly interesting stuff going on, and that gets boring for me and you. The only thing I have is this. Tara's coming this weekend! :) And she might get a job here. We'll see how that goes. I'll try to keep ya posted. She comes Thursday, I work Fri...