The Captain's a Friend of Mine

Now I don't remember what I said...

So to prove how tired I was the other night, I have a story.

My alarm went off at 9:00am on wednesday, as it was supposed to. I woke up, as I was supposed to, and as I jumped off from my bed I immediatly noticed pain on my right side by my waist. After turning off the screeching alarm that so rudely woke me from my slumber. I looked at my side, there was like a hole, and some other pattern, it was a bit odd. Then, I looked at my bed. I realized that I had been sleeping on my retainer, and it had left quite an impression on me. So yeah, needless to say I was quite tired that night. 2.5 hours of sleep over a 40 hour period is just no good.

Go UW-Milwaukee!

Have a nice summer!


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