RIP Mitch

Mitch Hedberg was found dead in his hotel room yesterday morning. What a sad day.

December 27th 2003

David, Mark, and I went to the Rosemont theater in Rosemont, IL. Very near to Chicago. We had tickets to see Lewis Black, Dave Attell, and "Special Guest." I don't think any of us knew who the special guest was, until he was announced. That was probably the coolest part of the trip, not only did we get to see Lewis and Dave, but Mitch Hedberg as special guest. I'm so glad we got to see him.

If I remember correctly David and I were going to see him again, but it didn't work out. Now I really wish that would've worked.

Anyway, I would like to commemorate this as Mitch Hedberg weekend. I'll put a random Mitch Hedberg joke up as often as I feel like doing. At least one per day.

What a terrible loss to the comedy community, you'll be missed.


Kyle Lobner said…
We used to do acid in the woods cause the chance of running into authority figures there was much lower, but we ran into a bear once and that was just as bad. Afterwards my friend came up to me and said "Smokey the Bear is way more intense in person."
Ryan said…
I tried to do my Smokey the bear joke in England. But I had to see if they had Smokey the Bear. But they don't... Smokey the Bear is not the forest fire prevention representative. Instead, they have Smackie the Frog. It's just like a bear but it was a Frog. I think that's a better system, we should adopt it. Because bears can be mean, but frogs are always cool. Like, never has there been a frog hopping towards me and I thought, man I better play dead. Here comes that frog. I've never said, "here comes that frog" in a nervous manner, it's always optimistic. Hey, here comes that frog, alright, maybe he will settle near me. And I could pet him. And put him in a mayonnaise jar with a stick and a leaf, to recreate what he's used to. And I'd certainly have to punch some holes in the lid because he's definitely used to air. Then I can observe him, and he won't be doing much in his 16 oz. world.
Ryan said…
I don't have a girlfriend, I just know a girl that would be really mad if she heard me say that right now.

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