Let's Recap the last few days...

Saturday spent a few hours working at the Republican headquarters, nothing much to note about that. Free food and soda. One of the tv stations was there, Jamie, our favorite news anchor, she covers all the political stuff, she was there. The group of College Republicans that we had there was the lead in to the story that night about all the work going on at headquarters. So I was on the news. Nothing of note happened sunday, the Packers won, and a streak ended, well, the streak didn't end until Tuesday. More on that. Sunday night was 2.5 hours of chalking lower campus, which I forgot about, so the other CR's were out there putting up messages, such as, Vote Bush/Cheney '04 and things like that for the Senate, Congress, and state assembly candidates. Well, monday morning the Democrats here on campus had defaced nearly all of them. Changing things that said, Vote Bush/Cheney '04, smearing out the '04 and writing "no more." Or the one that shows the true spirit of the Democrats here on campus, "Bush/Cheney '04 - Nuke Brown People." Yes, they actually wrote that on the sidewalk. So, I was a bit angry on monday morning, seeing all of the CR's work ruined by some people who didn't think we should have First Amendment rights. I actually wrote a letter to the editor of our school paper, The Spectator, it got put in the paper, so that was kind of cool, let a little anger off at the dem's on campus. You can see it here. You'll probably have to enter your email address to see it, but that's all. So, that started off the anger for the week, not to mention that the stress of campaigning was starting to get to me, especially dealing with all the negative toward us on this college campus. So, now we move to Tuesday. Woke up, went to my classes, got some alcoholic beverages and began drinking around 6:00. After all, this was my day to relax and watch the news, all night. Well, after a good 3 hours of drinking with a couple girls from one of the dorms, they came over for tv and spirits as well, well, after a few hours I was feeling a bit better. Then Evan our co-chair for the CR's called me at about 9:40 and said that we were gonna go to the party that the Republicans were throwing. Which was awesome, however, I didn't think I should drive, so Evan drove my car. Along with Joe and one other person. So we went to the party, there were mass quantities of beer available for the drinking, so we took full advantage. Made sure Evan wasn't going to drink and then went all out. We were feeling pretty good, especially since Bush was leading, by the time we left at 3:30 am. So I got back here nothing really to note other than drinking, oh and we were on the news live a few times.


Campus was dead. Literally, I went to my classes and the campus was silent. It was awesome, for me anyway. I was beaming. The whole day went pretty good, then I had to work at 4. This is where the week really takes a turn. There was an accident up ahead of me on Clairemont Ave. the 6-lane road through EC that I take to work everyday. Well I slowed down just fine because I saw the lights from the firetrucks and police cars up ahead. The lady behind me slowed down fine, but the lady behind her apparently wasn't paying any attention, she slammed into the car behind me, pushing that car into mine. Also, the inattentive lady's daughter was following her and couldn't stop in time. So there were four cars involved, I was in front. My car, luckily, suffered minimal damage. I got two estimates for a new bumper today, around $500. But the accident wasn't my fault, so my insurance guy is calling the inattentive lady to get her insurance information tomorrow. So that should be taken care of easily and painlessly, hopefully. It's still a pain in the ass, I was late for work, and I had to drive around today, getting estimates, picking up the police report, calling my insurance company, all kinds of crap instead of doing my laundry, my homework, all the things I was planning on doing today. Also of note this week, my Yahoo mail account password suddenly and mysteriously got changed. No idea how. I've had the account since June 19, 1998 and all of a sudden the password is changed. It boggles the mind. I also have no idea what the answer to my security question is. DRIVING ME CRAZY!!! That may be stressing me out more than anything else that's happened this week, I can't access my email or my fantasy football team. And there's nothing yahoo can do about it unless I can answer my god damn security question right. I emailed the security guy back asking what they do if somebody gets into someone elses account and changes the password and security question. He emailed me back with the same automatic email, "Unless you can give us *ALL* of the information you supplied when you registered your Yahoo ID there is nothing Yahoo can do." Which is crap, I gave them the correct birthday, Full name and Zip Code. And they can't do anything unless I can answer the damn security question. See if you have any ideas, I last updated my account on April 15 or so, so if I did change my question then the answer would pertain to what I was doing around that time, here's the question. What game do I play on my computer? That's it, and I have not fricking clue. All I remember is that my question was, What is my pet's name? But apparently it's not anymore. So apparently I just got effed over by somebody, but I'm going to take it out on Yahoo because they have nothing in place for the situation if somebody accesses your account and changes the password and security question on you. Not sure if that's actually what happened, but it seems like it could've to me. SO ANYWAY... We have stressful last days of a campaign, lost yahoo account, accident, and I didn't get off for next weekend yet to go see Tara, Somehow Bush getting elected just isn't enough to outweigh all of that. So I've resorted to alcohol, it's the only way to regain some semblence of sanity in my life. So if you have anything negative going on this week, I don't really want to hear about it, I have plenty of my own. OH! and on top of all of this, I'm trying to catch up from the week of classes that I missed due to me having mono. I credit my quick recovery to the greatest immune system in the world. Yes, I have the greatest immune system in the world, don't argue with me. I'm going now, I've also resorted to eating mass amounts of food to make me feel better, I could really go for some ice cream. Hmm, wal-mart's open....

Have a nice summer!


Ryan said…
I forgot about the streak. I'm referring to the streak of the Redskins choosing the presidential candidate. They won, and the Incumbant won, thus proving me correct, 'cause I said that was going to happen.

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