Hi all!

I'm in Rapids, just thought I'd hop on my dad's computer quick while he was gone to my uncle's for something. I'm glad it still works, though I doubt he'll appreciate the dents. The last couple days were great fun. Except working last night, ugh.. I was tired, and I just didn't want to be there. So when midnight hit, I was like.. Bye, i'm leaving. They had asked me to stay earlier, there was no chance. I hope it isn't as hot out where you are, as it is here. I was just mowing the lawn for my dad a while ago and I was thinking, you know.. I should've put deodorant on my balls... (I love quoting Lewis Black)

So I'm driving over to Rapids this morning, and a convoy of cars pulls up behind me, like 6 of them. All going about 65 or 70, note that the speed limit is 55. So I let the first two pass me, then I sped up and joined the middle of the convoy. Now I don't regularly speed, usually only if I'm in a hurry. But I couldn't just let this opportunity pass me by, literally. We went on like this for about 30 or 40 miles until we were almost to Neilsville where I turn off of highway 10 onto 73. Well about 4 miles before Neilsville, I could vaguely see a cop coming the other way... well, as it turns out, it was three cops.. They pulled over the first guy in the convoy, along with the last two... needless to say, I never went over 58 the rest of the trip over here. I feel really lucky.

Well, that was my exciting story for the day, maybe tonight some fireworks will mis-launch and hit somebody's boat on the river causing it to explode. That'd be neat.. well.. unless you were on the boat. hmm... oh well, I'd just be the bystander.. conveniently holding a video camera, and then i'd send it in to america's funniest home videos and win myself some money.. Hey, is that show even still on!??! And is Bob Saget still alive??? If a ship sinks in the ocean, and there's nobody there to see it, does it really sink?? wait.. that doesn't make sense... oh well.. too late now.. can't find the delete key.. well gotta go! Have a nice summer!


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