What's the phrase that pays that plays for days?? WROX THE STUUUUURGE!

I don't think WROX are the right letters, but meh, I don't really care. If you know what it's from you'll say it in your head, or out loud, and if you don't, don't worry about it.

I read this in an article on nfl.com this morning, found it rather humorous.
Media note: Injury-riddled secondaries must be referred to as "banged up" while injury-riddled offensive lines become "patchwork." It's just like in baseball, in which right-handed pitchers are "veteran" and left-handers are "crafty." Here endeth the lesson.

So, anyhoo, hope everyone is doing well with themselves. I've given up on trying to update this regularly. First of all there isn't enough terribly interesting stuff going on, and that gets boring for me and you. The only thing I have is this. Tara's coming this weekend! :) And she might get a job here. We'll see how that goes. I'll try to keep ya posted.

She comes Thursday, I work Friday, after work we're going to Wisconsin Rapids. To my dad's house. Then, Saturday morning, we're gonna leave for my mom's in Appleton. Leave there sometime Sunday afternoon and come back here. Then Tara's going back home Sunday night. :(

So, that's my weekend. Hope yours is great!!

Have a nice summer!


Kyle Lobner said…
After several listens, I've settled on "Dubity nine oh two the STUUUUUURGE!"

(I know. Slow morning. Friday mornings are always slow.)

Don't you touch that blahbityblah!
Anonymous said…

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