I Feel Like a Bunny Rabbit

"Tiny Dancer, two words. That strike a chord in the heart of every sensitive 32 year old man. A song actually I don't think I'd ever heard until I saw Almost Famous. So every night before going to bed, I thank Cameron Crowe for opening up a part of me that I don't think I never knew until now."
-Dave Grohl

It's been such an eventful time this month that I just haven't had time to post anything for a while. Typically when I haven't posted for a while I go all out and make a new layout and a huge new post, but I really like what I've done with the place, so why fix it up??

Anyhoo, it's been a wonderful wonderful month. I think I've seen Tara more this month than I did in the last year, it's been fantabulous.

My new picture is the Avatar from my Yahoo profile, it includes a picture of a brown chihuahua. Now I know it's not the right color and it's not long hair, but it's my version of Zoe, Tara's puppy. That picture above is of Zoe, it's kind of old, she's grown a bit since then. Although she still only weighs a whopping 6 lbs.

Well, I'm off to do some homework or something, I need to be a bit more organized and studious this semester.

Have a nice summer!


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