Here's your lava flow

So here's a fun story from the other day...

I was reading this magazine, it may have been National Geographic, I don't remember. I wasn't reading it, I was paging through it. But I saw this picture and it made me giggle. It was a turtle sitting on a kangaroo's head eating a giraffe. I'll let that sink in for a second..... annnnd good.... Ok so after that it inspired me to turn on the Travel Channel. They had that one woman that goes to all of those exotic locations to show you some cool place that you'll never be able to afford to go. I love that show. Well I turned that on and you'd never believe it, they showed a turtle on a kangaroo's head eating a giraffe. Well, then I went golfing and I hit a ball in the water. I was so mad about hitting the ball in the water that I jumped in after it. Well, I did find it, along with a couple others. When I was getting out of the water I got attacked by geese. Yeese, geese. Then I almost passed out so I found this sea turtle dressed as a butler and I had him get my some Mountain Dew. Mmmm guacamole. Grilled Pineapple seems like it would be good. Beverly Hills, that's where I wanna go. Jamaican me crazy. Now, here's something to leave you thinking. If you find a pine tree in Mexico, which of the four gorillas was eating cheetos??

Have a nice summer!


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