Care to make it four??

This was one crazy weekend. I just realized earlier that I have drank for three weekends in a row now. Next weekend ought to make four.

The prior two have been rather uneventful, at least nothing worth sharing with all of you.

Jesus, this isn't a joke, I was just sitting here typing and I swear I heard my little sister say, "Ryan." And she kept repeating it, and then I got annoyed and grabbed the mouse, as if to finally answer her, but then I realized, she's not here and I'm hallucinating.

To continue, though the other drinking engagements were fun, they didn't quite match up to the craziness of this weekend, well, at least not in the same respect.


Upon leaving work I return to my place of residence and prepare for the party in Club 407. The guys upstairs, well one of them, was having a "house" party in his apartment. So, I headed up there after repeatedly calling people to get them to come up. I consistently got the response, "maybe later." Not too convincingly either I might add. Well, Ken, the guy from upstairs, and I, finished about a gallon and half of wop between the two of us. I know I was proud, and you should be too. Nothing really happened, we just had a good party that lasted until about 4:30am.


Upon awakening, expecting to feel dead-esk, I realized I felt humanlike and alive. It was fabulous. Essentially a free night of drinking, sans hangover. How wonderful is that? Well, I went to work at 4 and returned at 9 with plans of going to a real house party that the guys from work were putting on. I called my friend Tina and invited her and she invited friends, it was to be "da bomb." Upon arriving at said party it was not quite a party, yet. Well, Tina and company left the party a bit before it officially started, and went to a nearby Frat house where they knew of another party, this was unfortunate. However, the party was rocking very soon after and we were all having a great time. Practically everyone that I talk to, and some that I don't, from work was there. It was quite fun. Tara called me as I was finally getting a refill from the keg. I told her I'd call her back, because aside from the noise, it would take me a matter of time to get through the wall of bodies to exit the premises. Exiting the premises, mind you, isn't the greatest idea when you're carrying a cup of beer and not 21. Well, I sat on the porch talking with Tara and after, or during, the call I saw this guy and this girl that had been making out inside moments earlier, come outside and start walking down the street. Now, I wasn't like watching them or anything, but I noticed that they began pulling on car door handles. I saw them pull on three or four of them when they came to a car that I would very soon recognize as my friend Andy's car. Well, apparently his locks don't work and they let themselves into the back seat for a wonderful makeout session in a random persons car. Honestly, how drunk do you have to be to be that stupid?? Seriously, post a comment letting me know what you would have to drink to stoop to that level. Well, I ran inside in search of Andy, to let him know of the happenings in the outside world. I couldn't find him, but I found something nearly as good, his brother. Close enough. Well, we went outside and Josh, Andy's brother, and some other guy went up to the car and Josh got inside the front passenger's seat. The tongue-twisters exited stage left and proceeded across that park without much of anything having been said. We then saw them get into a van, remember this it will be on the test. So, now I went back inside, Andy had come out and was standing by his car, I'm assuming protecting it. No more than 10 minutes after re-entering the house with Josh the lights shut off, the music shut off, and a hush fell over the crowd. Oddly enough, the hush was drown out by only the whisper of, "the cops are here." Actually I believe the exact phrase was, "pigs out front." So everyone started toward the back door. But from the back door came the whisper, "they're out back." So now, we're just confused, Are we surrounded?? Will we make it out alive?? How fast can I chug this beer?? Well, as it turns out the cop just said to one of the 21 year old residents that there was a noise complaint, which is funny because they're the only house on that entire side of the block, and we all needed to leave. So Josh and I walked to Andy's car. We then saw the tongue-ticklers get out of the van (remember the van?? good, you get a B+), the girl was wrapped in a blanket, and they left, walked down the street and out of sight. So yes, that wasn't even their van, and they took a BLANKET!! I scoff at them. Scoff! Scoff! Ow, my eye. Ok, so then we went to Andy's apartment, I wasn't in good enough shape to drive home yet, especially being only 20. Well, after we had pizza and chilled at Andy's for a while I got a ride from one of his roommates back to my car and I returned home. About an hour after being here with all the drunk people celebrating my roommate Dan's birthday, the night gets fuzzy. Not "Get Fuzzy" the comic, I mean, I can't remember it. I know for sure that we played cards, threw popcorn everyone, and drank a lot. I also know that I went to bed at 8am fell asleep a while after 9 and woke up around noon. There were some more things that happened, but I don't know that they all look that great for the group of us that were here, so I'm gonna keep those as memories in my mind, and end it like this. You know how having your arm chopped off with a wooden spoon is?? Well, working tonight from 4-9 was worse.

I realize now that I've skipped from Saturday to Sunday, but I don't think I can pinpoint the exact time in my tale where Saturday ended and Sunday began.

As you can clearly see, this weekend was great. Unless of course you have a speech, a test, and some homework due on Tuesday. Oh wait, I do. Thank God for only one class on Mondays! Well, for now I'm going to bed, I'm actually tired and I'm sick of feeling drunk. Or I get sick from feeling drunk. Or maybe drunk and feeling sick. Whatever it may be, let it be. And follow me, to the land of the free. HeHeHe.

Have a nice summer!


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