Well then...

Sitting here listening to a little Death Cab. Rather relaxing, a bit too much maybe. I have plenty of homework to do, decided not to go to the B.U.S. meeting tonight, found out a little more information about the organization, like that you have to pay to be a member. Things like that just don't appeal to me. I downloaded Napoleon Dynamite yesterday, I watched some of it again, I still don't get it. I mean, I understand the movie, I just don't understand some people's overwhelming fascination with it. There was somebody at the RHAB meeting monday night that talked about how they had watched it like 5 or 6 times over the weekend. I wanted to watch it again, just to see if maybe I was missing something, apparently not. I still didn't really like it much. There are funny parts, but it just didn't come across as that great.

So, now I should really get to that homework, gotta watch the State of the Union Address tonight, it's on at 8:00 Central time, and if you're wondering it'll be on ABC,NBC,MSNBC,CBS,C-Span,C-Span2,FOX,FOX News,CNN,CNBC maybe even PBS. That ought to cover most of them. Hopefully you can find a channel to watch it on, now if only we could find a way to limit the clapping after EVERY sentence, even after every other sentence would be an impovemtent. Anyhoo, I'm out.

Have a nice summer!


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