who knew...

So, I finally finished cleaning the apartment, after having my crap laying all over, I decided to actually clean. I must admit, it doesn't look half bad, actually, it doesn't even look a quarter bad.

It's good to be back and have the internet again, not to mention my very nice connection speed. I saw somebody I knew today, and it wasn't someone that I work with either. I was quite excited. It was Jim, he's friends with my roommates, he lives upstairs. That was while I was taking out the garbage, and boy was that disgusting.

First of all, apparently if you leave a head of lettuce in the drawer in the fridge for an undisclosed amount of time, somewhere around 3-4 months, it turns into a small, smelly, squishy, dripping, brown, disgusting mess. So yeah, that was a good find for the day. Beyond that nothing seemed to smelly, the recycling bin reaked of stale beer, but even that wasn't that bad.

I managed to get all of my clothes and Christmas presents unpacked finally, so that was good. And all of this took just over an hour, I am quite pleased with my work.

Well, now to sit around for 6 hours until I go to work.

Have a nice summer!


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