Mmm... Tacos...

Think outside the taco shell eh Mark? Not quite sure what that means.

So, last weekend Tara, Joe, and me went to see Death Cab For Cutie in Minneapolis at the First Ave Club. It was frickin' awesome. I just keep listening to their music over and over now. If you'd like to hear some let me know, I'll send you some.

Tomorrow is my grandpa's surprise 80th birthday part, so I'll be going to Rapids for the night. I was looking forward to going back, first of all for food, and second of all for my bed. Well, as my Dad informed me the other day, I guess we're having some guests stay at our house. So Ryan's uber comfy queen sized bed, not gonna be slept in by Ryan apparently. I don't even know who's going to be sleeping at our house, but whoever it ends up being that makes me sleep on the couch, I'm not going to be nice to them. Even if they're close relatives, I don't feel the obligation when they take something like a good night's rest from me.

Last night was a strange night. Here's how it starts, I went to work at 4 and got done at 9. Hurried home to catch the rest of the Red Sox/Yankees game. A game that will no doubt go down in history, not to mention the rest of the series. Well, I was overjoyed to see the Sox up 8-1 when I got home, and to see that Damon actually hit the ball. Well after the Red Sox won we were all yelling and cheering rather loudly, Jack (one of the room mates) moreso than the rest of us. Then he decided to do a handstand. Or, rather, several handstands. Apparently at the same time there were three freshman girls walking by outside and they looked in the window as they were walking by and saw him. Apparently this piqued their interest or something. So they walked up without us seeing and banged on the window. But the window has a screen on it, so it was more of a scratching noise than a bang really, and all we saw was a hand pulling away off the side of the window, eerily reminding me of the scene in Signs when Mel is in the field and he sees the foot of the alien disappear into the corn. So these girls kept walking by in front of the window and we were still celebrating a Yankees defeat. Then they walked up to the side of the window again and as they ran by they all opened up their jackets, as if to flash us, but they were fully clothed. Well, Tim ran up to the window after that and opened it, they began kind of running away, and he yelled "I Love You" after them. Which was rather humorous, but apparently it got them back, because a moment later they walked by again. Then Tim opened the window again and invited them in. They came inside the building, I was listening to a voice mail from my dad and looking through the peephole, So I saw when they walked up, they banged once on the door and took off running down the hallway. Then Tim went and stood by the door looking through the peephole, and as soon as they came back to the door he opened it. They came in and chatted for a few minutes, it was really weird. I think they just wanted to see the inside of Chancellor's, this mysterious place that we live. Or maybe something else... Who can be sure really.

After all of that excitement it was quite late and I had a quiz in Econ this morning, the word quiz makes it sound less than it is, the only real difference between my professor's quizzes and her tests are the two essay questions on the tests that aren't on the quizzes. So I was up late studying for that. It was at 8am this morning, I studied until a little after 1 then got up at 6 to continue studying, ugh.

Last night on Sportscenter I heard a great line about baseball. So good it's going on here and may or may not end up as my msn name, barring length.

"Game 7 to fans is like cotton candy to kids and we've all got sticky fingers by now."

Well, on that note, I'm gonna head out, or go in the living room and vegetate for the rest of the day. Hope this update is sufficient, any complaints see human resources. Have a nice summer!


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