Willow Lounge...

I sit down on the couch in Davie's, in the Willow Lounge, a very comfortable place to relax and study. "Glad you're done with English?" says the girl sitting on the couch across from me. Confused I say, "um... Oh! you mean last fall?" She says, "yes." But I still can't recognize her. We chat about things, classes, professors, whatever. The entire time I'm thinking, "Where did she sit in English, why don't I recognize her?" Then I ask her if she ever found out what she got on the research paper in English 110 last fall. As it turns out, now she's confused because she didn't write a research paper for English. Hmmmm. Then she tells me the name of her professor that she had. "oh, I had Hagenson," I reply. So that's it, she wasn't in my English class, great, so where the hell do I know her from. Now we are both just sitting there baffled. After about five minutes she says, "Did you take any summer classes?" And almost simultaneously we say "Kins186." But of course, how dumb could I be. Well apparently not very, because she dyed her hair since then, and she wasn't wearing her workout clothes that I had seen her in so often before. Mystery solved. That would drive a person insane if there was no ending.

After this I sit quietly writing.

Still on the comfy blue couch, opposite another of the same, with a table between, a chair is a adjacent and a window opposite that completing the square. Squeak, squeak, squeak goes the janitors car, wheeling through the lounge.
Murmurs of studious students getting the most out of their day. The seconds turn to minutes as it will soon be time for three more hours of class, though I won't see relaxation for at least ten more.


I found a new job, maybe. Now if only I can get hired. $10/hr 20hrs/week Mon-Fri. NO WEEKENDS!! On top of all that, it's computer related, so I'd actually enjoy it!! It's clearly meant for me.

Now to end this post with a witty comment...

Come on brain... think!
That's it! I'm disowning my brain...

I got nothin'...

Have a nice summer!


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