The other half....

I was sittin' in Econ today and decided to start writing out a post, since all the prof was doing was telling us about what we were supposed to have read already. Boooooring. So here's what I've started, I'll finish it tonight.

I sit here wondering...
Wondering where we'll be, what will happen. Then I stop and think "why worry about it?" Why not just enojoy the time we have now and not worry about the future. Currently, however, a week, one full week, would be fabulous. Fantabulous in fact.

Economics at 8:00 am with a teacher from Portugal is enough to make your mind wander indefinitely. She just took attendance, TWICE! "Just to be sure." As she put it. And now explained that in "Efficiencey vs. Equity" the "vs." stands for versus. Because obviously we're in fourth grade again. She underlined the key words in her definition of economics, the word "and" was underlined twice, for whatever reason that just doesn't seem like a vey important word. Especially worthy of being underlined twice.

So back to what I was saying...

The first 48 hours or so after leaving are the worst. It's so sad and depressing, I try focusing on the good things that happened from the time I arrive to the time I leave. I'll do that now to save this somber post...

For you Sonic the hedgehog fans, the first thing I did was play Dr. Robotnik's mean bean machine with Kyle. I had him pick up some flowers and he left Tara a message saying to go over to his place after she got out of work and that I would meet them there because I wanted to see the place. Though she was suspicious, she didn't know for sure that I was there. And apparently, though I don't do it often, I was able to lie convincingly. :) So she didn't think I was actually there. I was so happy to see her.


Finishing the rest of the post now...

I realized after thinking about this for a while that most of the things that I found so funny and entertaining about the weekend were things that anybody who wasn't there won't understand. Or find funny at all. Just to prove my indecisiveness to the doubters out there; between Kyle, Laura, Tara and I it took well over an hour to decide where to eat. First off I was talking to Kyle online, about 15 min. into the conversation we realized it was going nowhere and Tara and I were gonna meet them at Kyle's anyway, so we decided to just go and figure out what we were gonna eat when we got there. Well, we arrived at Kyle's a short while later, sat down, and began discussing. After another good 15 min. to a half hour we decided to just go toward the movie theater, because we were going to see Garden State, and then decide on the way. Well, on the way we decided on a brewery I believe, I don't remember what it was called because we wouldn't end up there. Kyle made a wrong turn and instead of turning around, decided to add a little time to the excursion by just going a very large round-about way. Well, we drove out toward the restaurant only to find some kind of gathering in the street that we couldn't get through, at least not in a car. Well our next idea was to just go toward the theater and decide, seems kinda redundant doesn't it? Well we found a place in a strip mall near a Dahl's Grocery Store. We walked up to it and it just didn't look like a place to eat. It was a sports bar, I read a sign that I'm pretty sure meant they only served lunch, so we walked back to the car. Drove about 250 feet and parked outside of another fantabulous restaurant. Mcdonalds. Yes, after all of that we ended up at Mcdonald's. Well, we ate and went to the movie, and the ATM at Dahl's hated Kyle. HeHe.

More on the movie in another post.. maybe tonight!?!?! haha... probably tomorrow.

Have a nice summer!


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