
I've made some changes this evening. I added a calendar and in it put my current school schedule for this semester. I will also be putting my work schedule in there, as well as any other things I have on my agenda. I recommend the "weekly view" instead of looking at the whole month. A more subtle change would be that the taskbar at the top of the page is now silver instead of blue. Isn't that gweat!?!? Moved things around a bit, like the guestmap link, and explained what it is.

oh! and I almost forgot!

I now have had over 1,000 visitor's to my humble little site. Though the majority are repeats from the few regulars, I still am happy to see that many, makes me feel all warm and tingly inside. :) Well, I have a quiz at 8am in my econ class, but you already knew I have an econ class because you looked at my calendar, right?? Alright, good day everyone.

Have a nice summer!

EDIT: I also added a chat room now, so if some of us are on at the same time we can chat, how nice. Check it out, it's over there ---->


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