Hulk Angry!!!

So, I finally got back to Appleton. Family reunion was essentially a bunch of drunk people I didn't know. How fun! So... now... I got to Appleton cleaned out my car and then David called. Then I three-wayed in Curtis and we decided to go to IHOP. Well, I was going to pick everyone up, so a few minutes later I drove over and picked up Curt. Then off to David's we went. Arrived at David's, shut the car off, and went in to find him. He put up an away message and we were off. Well, almost. Went outside, got in the car, and when I turned the key, it just turned over.. and over and over and over. But wouldn't fire. Well, isn't that great. So then after we screw around with it for a bit I called my Uncle, he came over to David's for a good 2 hours. Nothing. So... we left it at Davids and took his van and went and did stuff. That was last night, but now today... I called up my insurance company, and towing is covered, so there's a little good news in all of this. I got the car towed from David's over the Bergstrom's, the car dealership where I bought the car. As the situation currently stands, that's where the car is, and I'm waiting to hear back from them. The guy that I talked to thought it was the fuel pump, in which case, depending on what model I have, he figured would cost around $580. How nice. So, who knows what's happening with it now, I just hope it gets fixed so I can still make it down to Des Moines on wednesday. Everything that's happened since Saturday has just seemed surreal. Sort of like an out of body experience. It's weird. So anyway... All of the money I got for my b-day is now going to my car. Oh well, life goes on, just pisses me off... Have a nice summer!


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