So, I just woke up at 11:19 or so. Which is only 49 min. late for class. and only 40 min. left in class. So i figured, by the time I found some clothes and put them on, and ran down there, walked up the three flights of stairs, there would probably only be 10 or 15 min. left. So i just went on my computer. And Adam was logged on in the lab that our class is held in, so he let me know what was going on. Well andyway, I gotta work tonight 4-12, and I'd just like to congratulate Tara on single handedly defeating the giant cricket type thing that even shadow (her cat) was afraid of. I didn't like it much either, but it ran away from me, so I couldn't kill it. In other news... I need to put up a new Fun Fact so here goes...

Fun Fact #2:

Americans, on the average, eat 18 acres of pizza a day.

Have a nice summer!


Kyle Lobner said…
I think 18 acres is really a poor way of defining that, cause I've never stood on 18 acres of land and looked around and thought "Wow, this is a lot of pizza." It would've been better to classify it as X football fields of pizza, or enough pizza to pave a 4 lane highway for X miles. That'd be interesting.
Ryan said…
But then, I'd have to figure out how many football fields it takes to make 18 acres, or the width of a lane on a highway, and frankly, i'll just stick with what i wrote.

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