Ok, so this is a bit strange. Last year, on one of my first days of work, I pull up to the stop light near Copp's on my way there. The guy next to me in a white impala was lookin' at me, and I glanced over, and he waved. I thought hmmm, do I know you?? I looked again, and no, I had no clue who this mysterious man in his late 30's was. I really thought nothing of it after that day, well, that was last August. Now, today July 20th, 2004... I pull up to the same stop light upon leaving work and heading home. A white impala (what is it with white impala's) pulls up next to me, I don't even notice, until the car honks to get my attention, I look over and if I didn't shit myself, it was the same god damn guy. This time I had my windows open, as did he. He yells to me, Nice car. I mumble, thanks. He says, I used to have one of those. I just smile and do one of those, i see, you freak.. kind of nods. Then the light turns and I bolt off tires squealing and all. Thinking that maybe that might give him a bit of a sign, such as, hey don't talk to me at the stoplight weirdo. But no, we go a little way and get to another red light and sure enough, he pulls up next to me. He starts talking again, I never looked his way, but I did answer him. He started talking about things about my car, what year it was, what kind of engine it had, how many miles. All the while I'm going "TURN GREEN YOU GOD DAMN LIGHT TUUUUUUURN!!!! AHHHH!!!" But I was calm and collected on the outside. Then, in the best Jim Carrey impression from Dumb and Dumber, he says "well, see ya later" I almost imagined him to have said, "big gulps eh?" right before that. But fortunately he didn't, or I may have run the red light. Andyway.. that kinda creeped me out, really... a lot... you have no idea. my mind is still boggled. Nothing more from me tonight... Have a nice HOT summer!


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