Just got back from Des Moines aboot 30 min. ago, and I'm already posting, how 'bout that! Actually, it's just because I work at 4 ;) But andyway... What a great weekend, it was wonderful, went to dinner, saw I, Robot, which is very good by the way, Tara showed me around campus at Drake a bit and where her new apartment is. It was great, needless to say, it was hard to leave this morning ;)

I made the drive back in 4 hours 30 minutes. Which broke my the previous record, from Jul 15, 2004, of 5 hours 15 min. I got on Interstate 35 and within the first 20 miles or so started following a white impala with Florida plates who was going about 80 mph. Then an SUV joined up with us, and one other car. It was now officially a convoy, for the next 100 miles or so, when we lost the SUV and the other car, so then it was just the Floridian and the Wisconsinite (me) going through uncharted territory also known as Northern Iowa, and Minnesota. That may not seem like much, I have no idea where this man was heading, but I was following him nonetheless. Even when he made a wrong turn on the Wisconsin/Minnesota border :) I had gotten directions from my friend Joe from Murray 1st north on which way he goes from I-90 in MN to Eau Claire, apparently this man had as well, because he went the same way. So, the man who I aptly named my speeding buddy, ended up being followed by me all the way to Eau Claire. Still no idea where he was going, but I pulled up next to him at a stop light on Clairemont Ave. in Eau Claire after following him for nearly the last 300 miles, and I just kinda laughed and waved at him, he did the same, he was an older guy in his later 40's early 50's but I was happy to have him as company, though we never talked, I felt like I already knew him ;) Well, that's aboot all there is from me, I gotta go shower and stuff before work at 4. Hope everybody is having a great weekend! This one goes out to the Speeding White Impala Florida Man aka SWIFM. Have a nice summer!


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