I just finished running the trail behind putnam that goes by the back staircase at UWEC.. well, it was a bit longer than I thought, I walked the entire way from my hall to the other end of it, and then, realized that since that had taken me about 25 min. it was probably going to take me a while to run back. And I had left at 8:45, so it was about 9:10 if you can add... Well, it was getting really quite dark out, so I couldn't stop running or I would surely be lost. The trail is not lit, and the trees grow over it, making it very hard to follow the trail. Well, I made it back and I was dripping sweat, the one thing even moreso than the dark that kept me running, were the mosquitos, those bastards. And now, Aaron decided to go for a bike ride on the trail, and it's completely dark now, and he's completely crazy. Well, that's all from me for today. I'll talk to you all later!!!! Have a nice summer!


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