So yesterday I called Copps in Eau Claire. As it turns out, I'm still an employee there, and have been this whole time. They never terminated me like they said they were going to. So I guess I have a job then! :) Then I told them I could work at 5 on thursday, because my class was supposed to go until 4, but they changed the class, now it goes until 6, so I already needed to change my schedule, and I already asked for a weekend off! That store is so desperate, it's great. I think I need another job offer so I can get some more money, not that I'd take another job, unless it's one of the computer store one's that I applyed for, I'd just like to act like I was thinking about it, just to see them squirm, see how far they'll go to keep me. That would probably backfire though, they'd just go, oh, well, sorry to hear that, and let me go. But anyway, work work work... that's all i ever do around here.

Have a nice summer!


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