So today, I took full advantage of nice rainy day. I went to the park!

Now I was contemplating leaving this message at that, but I suppose I'll elaborate. I didn't go to the park because it was raining, well, I suppose in a round-about way I did. But anyway, I went to the park because I don't like working when it's raining, and since I can pretty much decide whenever I want to work, I decided I didn't want to today. So, I went to the park and read about 100 pages of my book, Life of PI by Yann Martel. It's quite a good book I'd suggest looking it up and considering reading it, I haven't finished yet, but it's held my interest through the first 150 pages. So, I've got to be going now, but I'm sure I'll leave some more messages tomorrow. Have a nice summer!


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